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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Friday, 9 February 2018

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 (KJV)

Child of God, you have already overcome even before the battle began. Jesus speaking in the above scripture made it clear that He had already overcome the world and its systems so that you can truly have victory in your finances, marriage, academics, business, family and in every area of your life. In other words, no matter what the enemy brings out of his closet, your victory is already guaranteed. Let me assure you that God will not allow you to be swallowed by the enemy. You need to walk with this revelation and see Him make a way for you.

Yes, it may be hard for others in the world, but I declare that there shall be divine happenings for you because Jesus has already conquered the world. It is not about what you can do, but it is all about what He has done. I declare that from today to the last day of this year, you will see the goodness of God in your life. Let the tempest rage, let the billows toss high, don’t expect the worst to happen to you. Instead, expect the best. Believe that every day will bring good things to you. If God’s word has said that you are an overcomer, then that settles it.

I challenge you today, to remain connected to the errorless, and impregnable word of God which is the only thing that is constant. Every other thing would fail, but not the word. Receive the word from His mouth. Struggles come to an end when you receive the proceeding word. You know what others don’t know and that makes you stand out. Whatever cannot touch Christ cannot touch you. Hitherto, men laughed at you but watch out because those who laughed at you are coming back to laugh with you.

Further Reading: 1 John 4:4, 5:4-5, Romans 8:37-39
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 6-7; Evening- Matthew 25:1-30
#WFTD #Wisdomfortheday

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