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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Sunday, 31 December 2017

“For the land you are about to enter and possess is not like the land of Egypt where you are come from, where irrigation is necessary. It is a land of hills and valleys with plenty of rain – a land that the Lord your God personally cares for! His eyes are always upon it, day after day throughout the year”.
Deuteronomy 11:10-12 (TLB)

Thank God for the gift of Jesus Christ. His coming changed the face of so many things and gave us access into the presence of God. Can you imagine what that means? That simply means that you and I, by the reason of our salvation, which was neither our idea or paid for by us, can enter into the throne of grace and find grace and help in the time of need. This means that we can now come boldly into God’s presence, without the slaughtering of goats and rams. Think back into the Old Testament, no matter how many sacrifices you offer, you can never come into the Holy of Holies because it is reserved for only the High Priest and even the High Priest can come in only once in a year after going through the rigorous cleansing exercise.  But today, you and I can come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. What an awesome privilege.

However, that is not all, as we round off this year, I want to encourage you don’t pitch your tent yet because the God you serve is a progressive God. He is not through with you, the coming year will be better for you in Jesus’ name. And are you there, looking at this outgoing year with tears in your eyes? I have come to you with a word from God: weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Your morning of joy is about to break in Jesus’ name. God will come through for you.

As you go into the coming year, I prophesy over your life and your expectation will not be cut short. See you at the top.

Further Reading: Ps. 30: 1 – 12; Is. 65: 17 – 25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Malachi; Evening- Revelation 22
#Wisdomfortheday #WFTD

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