By Bishop Mike Okonkwo
Saturday 15th March 2025
“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Corinthians 5:21 KJV)
Beloved, it is an insult to God and the finished work of Christ for you as a believer to call yourself a sinner. I didn’t say you won’t do wrong, but that does not change your standing. If a goat falls into the mud, does he become a pig? The answer is no. It is still a goat. So, why is it that when you fall into mud in your walk with God, you now say you are no more righteous? This is how believers have lived over the years. The devil is having a big laugh because believers believe they are no longer righteous for any mistake or wrong that they commit. If that is why Christ died, then, He failed!
Jesus did a perfect work. The problem we are having is that we believe wrongly. Until you believe rightly, you cannot live right. In the old covenant it was do good and get good, do bad get bad. But in the new covenant there is nothing like getting bad. You have been delivered from the Kingdom of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of his dear son. You are not less a Christian because you made a mistake. You are still a child of God. And if you give up the Ghost now, you will still be in heaven.
Stop being sin conscious and become righteousness conscious. The bible says awake to righteousness and sin not. When you are awake and you understand your right standing with God, you will understand that righteousness is a gift. It is not obtained because you did anything right. You will not sin because it is the work of Grace. As a new covenant believer, for you to stop doing wrong, God does you good first. He doesn’t do you bad so that you can stop doing bad. He does you good. That is how He functions with you. God does you good always. So, it is contrary to covenant relationship for a believer to expect bad things. Grace is unmerited, undeserved, and unearned.
Further Reading: Romans 1:17, Romans 3:22
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Deuteronomy 22-24; Evening- Mark 14:1-26