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Bishop Mike Okonkwo

13 January, 2021

“And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.” Genesis 32:26 KJV

Beloved, it is never in the will of God for the Church to always be the one coming behind. It is not what others have dropped on the ground that we the church should be struggling to get. We are meant to set the precedence because we have the Word of God and we are filled with the Holy Spirit. We are covenant people and shouldn’t be the ones struggling. We keep asking for the crumbs, but today, I have come to say: away with it! You are bigger than crumbs. You can’t remain a mediocre. You can’t stay there in the dust because your God is EL-Shaddai- the more than enough God.

In Genesis Chapter 28:20, Jacob said, “give me food to eat, tea to drink and cloth to wear.” God answered and gave him everything: wives, children and livestock in abundance. But with all these, as far as God was concerned, it was mere survival. It was nothing compared with what God purposed for him. However, reality dawned on Jacob in Genesis 32 as he tried to go back to where God first met him. He tried to manipulate what God had given him, but those things were not the real picture. By the time he got to Jabbok, he realized that those things he possessed could not help him because the life of a man consists not in the abundance of his wealth. It is not the things you have but it’s what you are carrying that produces the things.

Beloved, what you are carrying is bigger than the peanuts. Quit having this mediocre mentality. Jacob realized that it’s not about designer clothes and shoes; it’s about carrying the blessing of God. Then, he never let go until he was blessed. Thus, his name changed from ‘Jacob’ to ‘Israel.’ Unless the church arises and unless we enlarge our vision and stop this peanut mentality, the struggle will continue but that’s not God’s intention for us.

Further reading: Gen 28:1-22, 32:22-28
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 31, 32 / Evening- Matthew 9:18-38

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  • Patrick Nkenchor Okechukwu says:

    I stumbled on this in January 22nd, 2024 and it meet my expectations. I glorify the name of the Lord for always using his son to meet our needs.
    Patrick Nkenchor Okechukwu.

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