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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

09 June, 2021

“Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Romans 8:29 KJV

We encounter all kinds of challenges in our walk with God and we often wonder where God is. For instance, there are people who are always strategizing but never see result in anything. They run with others and when they are about to enter, doors are shut against them. Even if they succeed in entering, they never get accepted. They fill appraisal forms but never get promoted. They build profiles but never get interview letters. These things happen in life.

For those of you facing such difficulties, it is not because God doesn’t care about you or that God loves others more than you. It is because you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness. The enemy knows the investment that God has put inside you. He knows that if he allows you to escape, his kingdom will be in trouble. But the devil is a liar. He does not have the final say.

I want to let you know that as believers we are encapsulated. Your life already has a predetermined outcome. Everyone that has given his life to Christ must therefore have a comeback mentality. God is at work in your life. No matter how much the enemy has boxed you into a corner, you are bouncing back. You will take your place in destiny. In God’s kingdom, failure is not fatal and delay is not denial. You will get there. The scripture says: “being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6 KJV).

The failures of the past are turning around for your good. In the same place where you were rejected, you will be accepted. The Lord will turn around your captivity and you will be like them that dream. Refuse the lie of the devil. God is at work in you. And no power of darkness can stop you.

Further reading: Romans 8:26-39
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Chronicles 32-33; Evening- John 18:19-40

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