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23 June, 2021

“And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses.” Colossians 2:13 KJV

The word ‘discharge’ means to relieve one of an obligation, burden or responsibility. By law, it means to release a defendant especially one under confinement. It means to cancel a contract; to cease further consideration of a bill so you can’t vote on it. To be discharged and acquitted is to be relieved from a charge or crime. It means to be declared not guilty. To be freed or cleared, absorbed, delivered, liberated exonerated, and being let off the hook.

Therefore, to be discharged and acquitted with no appeal means there can no longer be any application, proceeding, request, sympathy, mercy or petition for review by a higher tribunal. No tribunal can annul what has been put together by the supreme court of Heaven. You cannot question it neither can there be a summon to challenge it.

Until you understand that Jesus did a perfect job that we can place our faith on, you will never be free. Condemnation is at the root of every problem that believers face. When you know you are no more condemned, you will love God the more and live for Him in holiness.

Let me ask you a question: Have you ever sinned since you got saved? The obvious answer is yes. So, if you have sinned after you got saved, are you saying that Jesus did not do a complete work? Jesus died to deliver us and save us from sin and He did a perfect work. Now if that is the understanding you have, how come we still sin as believers? If you have been saved and Jesus came to take away sin and you are still sinning, then you need revelation to understand what Jesus did for us on the cross. When you receive revelation of the total forgiveness that was purchased for us through the blood that Jesus Christ shed for us, you will enjoy your Christian life and stop living as a hypocrite under condemnation.

Further Reading: Romans 8:1-13
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Esther 9-10; Evening- Acts 7:1-21

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