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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 23rd November 2019

“Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.” Exodus 3:10 (KJV)

The King always has the last move. Israel had been in slavery for over 400 years in Egypt. They had gotten used to it. They did not even believe that they would ever come out again. According to them, they were enjoying the garlic and the melon in Egypt. But God said, ‘Egypt is not your destination. I don’t care how long the enemy has kept you there; because I have spoken, I would bring you out.’ God called Moses at the backside of the desert and told him: “I have heard the cry of my people and I am sending you back to the place you ran away from. They sent you out of the place and thought they made the last move, but the last move belongs to me. Moses, I know you ran from Egypt, but the case is not closed”.

Beloved, God is opening up the case you thought is closed. This is your due season. In due season, all you need to do is enjoy what God has made available. He sent Moses back to the very place where he was defeated. That shows me that you are unstoppable. You thought you had been defeated but God is saying No! The last move belongs to Him.

I rejoice and celebrate with you. I celebrate your success and victory. God has started something fresh in your life. Nothing will stand against it, because the King always has the last move.

God said to Moses “go back there and bring them out of Egypt.” Moses said ‘Not me!’ God said ‘you are the one!’ The same thing you thought could not be done, you will do it. That same examination that floored you, you’re excelling at it. ‘Moses, go back to Egypt. I know they have been there for over 400 years. I know that there seemed to be no hope, but I have spoken now. You cannot be defeated!’ Head or tail, you win.

Further Reading: Exodus 3: 1-14
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Ezekiel 20-21, Evening – James 5

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