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Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Monday 27th January 2025

For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory, that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4 KJV)

Beloved, your economy is not dependent on that of the world but on that of Heaven which cannot be exhausted. If you want the lion’s share in the marketplace, then act like a child of the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Courageous people move towards their challenges. So, don’t determine your destiny by the things happening around you. You are already too loaded to fail. I see giants fall before you if only you will take a step of faith.

Start something, no matter how small because if you open your eyes you will see money moving around. Refuse to be garaged by fear. Fear has torment! I challenge you, therefore, to trust God instead for creative abilities, for He has sworn by His word that He will bless the works of your hands.

You will notice that God had to speak to Abraham in the book of Genesis 15:1 not to be afraid. God assured him that He was his shield and exceedingly great reward. The question is, why this exhortation? The answer is that fear can be very powerful! That is why you must not allow it into any area of your life.

As a single brother or sister, stop looking at your age because it does not matter to God. At the fullness of time, He will bring your partner to you. Refuse to call a pity party, and do not despise yourself, for God has already spoken into your future. So, hang in there! He will surely settle you.

You must focus on your unlimited God-given potential and turn it loose for the Kingdom. Creation is waiting for you to manifest. I assure you that no devil in hell will be able to stop you. Remember that He has not given you the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind. Head or tail, you will win.

Further Reading: Joshua 1:1-10, Romans 8:15-39
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Exodus 16-18/ Evening- Matthew 18:1-20

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