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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Sunday 30 June 2019

“And lo a voice from heaven, saying, this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Matthew 3:17. KJV

God’s children have been beaten down for too long. And until you begin to take your rightful place as a Prince, you cannot truly have the victory. The devil wants you to keep doubting what God has already perfected in eternity. For he knows that he cannot undo in time what God has perfected in eternity. Ever before any challenge you are facing came, God had already given the answer.

Notice that before Jesus was tempted by the devil in the books of Matthew and Luke, the scriptures already told us that God had opened heaven and declared His Son-ship without Him doing anything. Jesus had neither performed any healing nor miracle, yet God said to Him, ‘You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ In other words, I have made Him my Son and I am pleased in Him. So, when the devil came to say, ‘if you are the Son of God,’ it was too late for him because the Father had already spoken. He did not need what the devil was telling Him, because the Word of His Father cannot be nullified. Beloved, God feels the same way towards you because you are in His Son. Therefore, you don’t need the devil to tell you who you are.

God always precedes the devil. He does not react to the devil. It is the devil that reacts to God. Have you wondered why Herod decided to kill all the children when Jesus was born? It was because the Saviour had arrived. But, if you do not understand how it works, you would think that the devil was in control. No! God had already released a Saviour to the world and the devil was now reacting to what God had done. Anytime you see the devil running helter-skelter, look at the door, the blessing has been released.

Further Reading: Romans 4:16-25; Isaiah 46:9-13
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 17-19;
Evening- Acts 10:1-23
#Youarethebelovedof God

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