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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

28 December, 2021

“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12 KJV

As you read the scriptures, you will discover that the Jews were angry with Jesus because He said He was the son of God. They thought: how can a man put himself in God’s class?” (John 10:33). That means all of us who call God, ‘Father’, are qualified to be stoned by the Jews. Jesus said: “I am His son; but as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.”
This understanding is what gives you an assurance that God is for you and that He will favour you under any circumstance. No matter what the devil brings against you, it can never defeat you. You can never fail. You need to be established in this truth. To be established means to stand firm, steadfast and sure. It means to be certain, rooted and grounded. To be established in this truth means nothing moves you; others can be moved but not you.

Righteousness says that God is for you. And if God is for you no one can be against you. It means that you win all the time. It is an understanding that tells you that there is no more condemnation to you because you are in Christ Jesus. You have been discharged and acquitted by the Supreme Court of heaven and there is no appeal from anyone. That means nothing can hold you in bondage.

You have been discharged by the court of heaven. Who can now condemn you? Sin cannot condemn you! Sickness will not condemn you! Disease will not condemn you! God has already written your conclusion! Your conclusion is already determined because the moment it went out of His mouth, it was concluded. Take the victory that belongs to you; it is already yours.

Further Reading: John 1:1-14, 14:1-14
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Zechariah 5-8; Evening- Revelation 19

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