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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Thursday 19th May 2022

“And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” James 2:23 (KJV)

God himself puts it in His register that Abraham is righteous and called him His friend. The question is what did Abraham do? Abraham believed what God said and acted on it and God recorded that he was righteous. So, it was in believing what God has said and acting on it wholeheartedly that God’s kind of righteousness is attained. God’s righteousness declares us guiltless of any form of ungodly acts under our belief in the redemptive work and finished works of God through His son Jesus.

God called Abraham out from an idol-worshiping background at an old age with a promise to make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great and make him a blessing. And Abraham believed and started following God. Then God said because of this action, you (Abraham) are my friend. God Almighty, the Creator of the universe called him Abraham friend! You too can become God’s friend today if only you will receive His word, believe it, and step out in faith. Decide now to do something with the word of God you hear. Don’t just be a hearer! Be a doer also because it is the doer of the word that is blessed in his deeds.

Child of God, When God called you out it was because He had a plan for your life. It was because He desires that you partake in His glory. God did not save you for nothing. He did not call you to Himself to be disgraced. He called you to glorify you. That is why He said you are no more a servant but a friend. I charge you to believe his word today and act on it because it doesn’t have any margin of failure. Live continually in the confident assurance that you are God’s friend, and nothing shall be impossible to you. I declare that the word of God will not fall to the ground in your life. You will do something with it.

Further Reading: Genesis 12:1-5; Romans 4:17-25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 7-9; Evening- John 6:22-44

By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Thursday 19th May 2022

“And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” James 2:23 (KJV)

God himself puts it in His register that Abraham is righteous and called him His friend. The question is what did Abraham do? Abraham believed what God said and acted on it and God recorded that he was righteous. So, it was in believing what God has said and acting on it wholeheartedly that God’s kind of righteousness is attained. God’s righteousness declares us guiltless of any form of ungodly acts under our belief in the redemptive work and finished works of God through His son Jesus.

God called Abraham out from an idol-worshiping background at an old age with a promise to make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great and make him a blessing. And Abraham believed and started following God. Then God said because of this action, you (Abraham) are my friend. God Almighty, the Creator of the universe called him Abraham friend! You too can become God’s friend today if only you will receive His word, believe it, and step out in faith. Decide now to do something with the word of God you hear. Don’t just be a hearer! Be a doer also because it is the doer of the word that is blessed in his deeds.

Child of God, When God called you out it was because He had a plan for your life. It was because He desires that you partake in His glory. God did not save you for nothing. He did not call you to Himself to be disgraced. He called you to glorify you. That is why He said you are no more a servant but a friend. I charge you to believe his word today and act on it because it doesn’t have any margin of failure. Live continually in the confident assurance that you are God’s friend, and nothing shall be impossible to you. I declare that the word of God will not fall to the ground in your life. You will do something with it.

Further Reading: Genesis 12:1-5; Romans 4:17-25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 7-9; Evening- John 6:22-44

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