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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

04 May, 2021

“Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Romans 8:30 KJV

Today, I have come to announce to you that your suffering has come to an end; not just because I said it, but your suffering has long stopped. It is a spiritual truth! The reason I am saying it is for you to understand it. Some things may be yours but until you know it, you cannot benefit from it. Right from the very day Jesus rose from the dead, we were called to eternal glory. From the day you received Christ into your life, you entered that realm of glory. However, you must have an understanding of your benefits or you can still go without.

The devil doesn’t mind you being in church every day, clapping your hands and jumping up. It changes nothing if you are ignorant. You will be shocked how many church folks are ignorant and there are many places where you will find thousands of people sitting down and they are just deceived, not knowing what belongs to them. All they know is that their pastor said this, or their prophet said that, but they don’t know what belongs to them.

Every believer must be willing to be taught; if you are not willing to be taught, you cannot fully appropriate the blessings of the Gospel. You need to know what belongs to you. You need to know your rights and your privileges in Christ so that anywhere you go, you can stand by yourself. You are not called to depend on your pastor. Your pastor’s assignment is to help you and open your eyes to see what God has made available.

Your suffering has long stopped but most of us don’t know it. That is why some of us are still suffering lack, disappointment, failure, fear, intimidation, and manipulations. Christ brought an end to every suffering when he said, “it is finished.” His work is perfectly perfect and completely complete.

Further Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:17, Romans 8:28-32
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Kings 14-15; Evening- Luke 22:31-46

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