Dr. Mike Okonkwo
Thursday, 23 November 2017
“In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;” (Ephesians 1:7 KJV)
Beloved, one thing that we must be confident of as children of God, especially in these last days, is that we are partakers of a divine order that was enacted upon the precious blood of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. It is an order wherein the enemy cannot level any accusations against us because our High Priest constantly makes intercession for us. Therefore, on the strength of this covenant, ratified in His blood, God is obligated to take care of you. He takes your case personally and ensures that you are victorious, irrespective of what your challenges are. In fact, according to His word, He has already perfected all that concerns you – not some, not few, but all. Because He is your Father!
Apostle Paul highlighted this in his epistle in Romans 8:15 (NKJV), “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba Father'”. He was through this scripture, describing the relationship you now have with God because of Jesus. Your relationship is no longer a distant one, but an intimate one. And you must never forget this; He is your Father. He has accepted you in His beloved.
Beloved, rather than speak the wrong words when faced with a challenge, speak the words of your Father. Your Father is favourably disposed to dispense only good to you. He loves you with an everlasting love and has inscribed you upon the palm of His hands, where no evil can touch you. As you go about your assignment, evil will bow before you. The wicked will bow at your gate. God will fight your battles. He will shut the mouth of the enemy and silence the voice of the wicked. His purpose and plan for your life shall be accomplished. Your dreams and expectations shall not be cut off. Your testimonies will not be aborted.
Further Reading: Philippians 1:6, Hebrews 7:22-25, 2 Peter 1:2-4
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Ezekiel 20-21; Evening- James 5