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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Friday 10th February 2023

“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24 (KJV)

Another love language is Words of Affirmation. Many times, people confuse this with flattering. You are not called to flatter your spouse but find something good to appreciate and celebrate in him or her. No one is totally good (except God) and no one is totally bad (except the devil) so if you are human you have your strengths and weaknesses and so does your spouse. Your assignment is not to play up the weaknesses but the areas of strength.

Words also carry different weights with different people. Some people do not care about your words, while others will sulk for a long time when negative words are used about them. However, everyone will gravitate toward where he or she is celebrated, so be generous with words. But what do I do when my spouse is wrong, do I keep affirming? Will that not be hypocrisy? That may be your question, the answer is simple. When your spouse is wrong, then use the sandwich approach: commend, condemn, and commend again. Even the Bible enjoins us to correct in love. Watch the words you use because when the issues are resolved, the harsh words you used will linger in the heart. Watch your words.

Our scripture today is quite an interesting one. Let us look at The Passion Translation of the scripture from verse 23. it says: “Winsome words pour from a heart of wisdom, adding value to all you teach”. Are you a man or woman of wisdom? By your words, we will know it. Verse 24 says: “Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words. For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits.” Did you see that? No matter how carefree you are with words, you will appreciate pleasant words, so watch your words.

Using positive words is not restricted to the home; wherever you go, let your words be soothing; let your words be filled with grace. Let your words edify, encourage, uplift, and strengthen those around you and by so doing, the light of God in you will shine to the world around you.

Further reading: Proverbs 25:11-13; Colossians 4:5-6
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 8-10; Evening- Matthew 25:31-46

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