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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

21 May, 2021

“Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flow springs of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 Berean Study Bible

As a child of God that wants to live in continuous victory, you must avoid listening to any other voice apart from the voice of the Lord. Many today, are listening to the second voice- because it is so loud and compelling. The first key to controlling the second voice is to identify it, the next thing you do is to cast it down. Don’t give it any room to grow in your life especially at a time like this. Counter it with the word of God.

You must fix your heart on that which is constant- the Word of God. It is only the Word of God that is errorless, impregnable, and undiluted. Every other voice has a margin for failure but the word is constant. Remember God spoke to Abraham in Genesis 17 that He would make him the father of many nations, but the second voice came to Abraham and he laughed. Why did he laugh? He looked at his age and the deadness of Sarah’s womb, but thank God the story did not end there. God’s reply to him was: “…Is anything too hard for me?’’ The second voice will always make you disbelieve God’s word. This word of assurance from God helped Abraham and his family to overcome the voice of the adversary.

Beloved, you may not fully understand the workings of God, but you can stake your life on what He has said. Delay is never denial. His word cannot fail. Expect that every step you take in accordance with His will for your life will be ordered. Expect the best in everything you do. Hide yourself in the Lord, bury your head in the word, and stand on your rights in Christ.

Learn to shut out the second voice, and always remember that He, who hath begun a good work in you, will surely perform it. My God will exceed your expectations. You will surely testify.

Further Reading: Genesis 3:1-10
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 13-15; Evening- John 7:1-27

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