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What You Should First Seek

By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Friday 23rd December 2022

“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:31-33 (KJV)

It is part of God’s greatest desire to meet all our needs, He is very much aware that we have needs in this life. However, He does not want us to seek after things. He wants us to first seek His Kingdom and all other things we need shall be added unto us.

The word ‘’First’’ speaks of order of importance, holding the highest place in our affections. This is instructive now when different forecasts are flying all over the place on what 2023 holds. I want to assure you that God is in absolute control.

Yes, the Gentiles, worry, stress, labour, sweat in order to get. Yes, they are panicking as we speak wondering where they will be by this time next year. But we are not Gentiles we are a new creation, and we function on a superior platform. When the believer speaks, it is from a position of rest. We hunger after Him; We desire to worship. We want whatever will promote the Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God according to Romans 14:17 is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. We already have the Kingdom in us. (Luke 17:21) because of the indwelling Holy Spirit. In order to have peace and joy in the Holy Spirit flowing inside you, you must be awake to your righteousness IN Christ as a gift.

Spend time with Jesus and listen to His word regularly. When you do all the things you need will be added to you. As we celebrate His birth, take time to meditate on His coming and all that He did. Let this December mark a new beginning in your walk with God.

Further Reading: Matthew 6:30-34, Romans 14:17-18Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Nahum, Evening – Revelation 14

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