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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Friday, 21 December 2018

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17

Our scripture for today shows that God is as simple as He appears. It is we, human beings, that make God complicated. When God says by His stripes you are healed, He meant it just the way He said it and He does not expect you to rationalize between serious illness and minor ones. As far as Heaven is concerned, by His stripes, you are healed.

The same principle applies to every area of life. Don’t treat a promise easier than the other or more difficult to fulfill than the other. If God has said it, that settles it. It only becomes a challenge when you try to work it out in your mind before you believe it. Taking healing as an example, because it is the easiest to relate with; Can you explain how a headache disappears simply by the laying on of hands and prayers? If you cannot explain it, and you have experienced it, why then do you think the same prayers and laying on of hands cannot heal cancer, diabetes, etc.? Do you know why? Simple, you have categorized sickness as big and small; difficult and easy, and your mind processes it that way.

Do you realise that the biggest miracle is actually that of salvation? It took God sacrificing His Son to save you. Yet, you find it easy to believe that you are saved. If I ask how many people are saved and going to Heaven, your hand goes up without thinking; but when I ask if you are healed, you stop to look for the symptoms; when I ask if your needs are met, you look for your account balance.

Child of God, you need to come to God with a childlike faith. Take His Word just as it is. Believe Him totally and you will see a change in your life. What you see is what you get.

Further Reading: James 1:16-17; Mark 11:22-24
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Micah 4-5; Evening- Revelation 12

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