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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

26 December, 2021

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 KJV

The water that sinks a ship is not the water that is hitting it outside, but the water that comes in. Christians contemplate suicide not because they don’t have their desires yet. It’s not even because they don’t know where their life is drifting to. The problem is determined by what you are hearing.

What are you hearing? How you survive is predicated on what you have been hearing. You cannot afford to stop hearing the Word of God. Stay in the place where God has planted you and keep hearing the Word. Stop jumping from place to place, following the crowd and saying it is happening here or there. Don’t forget that anything that is happening is temporary. So when it is no more happening, do you jump to another place? This attitude cannot create stability in you. It is the Word that will give you stability through what you are hearing.

What we need is the gospel of Grace because that is what removes our sins and gives us access and peace with God. In Acts 14: 8-10, the Bible gives the account of a certain man at Lystra, who had been a cripple from his mother’s womb. When he heard Paul preach, he received faith to be healed and when Paul perceived that he had faith to be healed, he prayed for him and he received his healing. Faith comes by hearing not having heard.

This generation ought to be the type that should be operating in the most powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit because the Bible says the glory of the latter day shall be better than the former. However, the deception is that the current generation finds it difficult to sit down to hear the Word. The technology we have today is to enhance and accelerate our rate of hearing, not for gossip. Always remember, the Word of God keeps you alive and makes you a firebrand. A fly does not perch on a hot pot. Faith comes by hearing what the Bible says.

Further Reading: Proverbs 4: 20-27
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Haggai; Evening- Revelation 17

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