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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Tuesday 14th June 2022

“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love”. Ephesians 4:16 (KJV)

At times, it takes a fellowship to make your gift come alive. Sometimes you may not even know you have such a gift. You may not even know you have such a talent until somebody stirs it up in your life. That is what fellowship does. That is what connectivity does. When you fail to connect you will not collect.
When we come together in fellowship against the backdrop of the harsh realities of life in the world, you find love, nourishment, reassurance, comfort, and support. When we fellowship with one another, we share the same values of faith and lifestyle.

We share the same unity of the spirit and freshness in Christ Jesus. We are encouraged to go into our toxic environment to confront our confrontations and to attack our attackers. What happens is that we recover all. We recover all, because now we are charged looking for the devil saying “Where are you Devil? “And the devil can never win because God has declared you a winner.

So, you see your involvement is important. Why is it important? One of the things you do not understand is that for you to be constantly lubricated for effectiveness, to avoid friction or stumbling block, you need that connectivity. You need to share what you have, and I share what I have. We need to connect with one another because, there are things I don’t have that you have and there are things you don’t have which I have. So, when we connect-together, we are all going to be full together.

Be careful of people that do not need others, who believe they have it all together on their own.

Further reading: Romans 12:3-5, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Ezra 9-10, Evening – Acts 1