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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

20 July, 2021

‘’Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.’’ 2 Corinthians 5:20 KJV

According to the laws of international relations, ambassadors enjoy immunity. If anything happens right now in this country, and you run into the American or British Embassy, do you know that the Nigerian police cannot arrest you there? Though you are in Nigeria, the Nigerian Police cannot step into an embassy to effect an arrest. That is the immunity they enjoy. Diplomats carry special passport and their luggage are not opened at the airport. No matter how hungry people are in Nigeria, it cannot affect the American ambassador because his provision is supplied from the United States of America. That is the way it is!

Now God said that every believer is an ambassador! And we enjoy certain privileges and immunity. As God’s ambassador, your protection and provisions are guaranteed by the God whom you represent. If an American or British Ambassador misbehaves, what they do is to recall him back to the home country. There are believers who have left this life because they have forgotten the assignment God gave them. As believers, we are ambassadors called by God to add value. You are not saved just to sit down and do nothing or to make heaven. You are saved to show forth the praise of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

It is an insult and an abuse of the redemptive work of Christ for you to be living and there is nothing added to your name. The Kingdom assignment is the priority assignment. Every other thing is secondary. What matters to any ambassador is the agenda of the country he represents. Likewise, what should matter most to the believer ought to be the Kingdom assignment. Every other thing lives out of it and survives out of it. But many of us have made Kingdom assignment secondary, just an attachment! Yet, we are wondering why we are not enjoying immunity.

Further Reading: Psalm 91:1-16, Acts 20:18-25
Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 26-28; Evening- Acts 22

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