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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

20 January, 2021

“And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him” Genesis 5:24 KJV

Beloved, to walk with God means to develop a strong fellowship with God. When you search the scriptures, you will discover a lot of the saints of old who manifested the glory of God in their lives by walking with God. One clear example of one who walked with God was Enoch. He enjoyed fellowship with God so much to the extent that he was transformed; he found himself in heaven and couldn’t return.

You see, if you develop a strong fellowship with God, it is an atmosphere you do not want to leave or play with. I perceive in my spirit that Enoch walked with God so immensely that poverty, sin, disease, frustration and failure did not find him because you can’t find such things around the presence of God. I come to challenge you today to be a man or woman of His presence, because that’s where you will receive direction, fresh insights and ideas that will put you ahead of the pack.

Walking with God also means knowing Him; not by mere studies, but by revelation. Understand that you cannot fellowship with a God that you do not know. To know God is to be like God; it is to know Him intimately as a man knows a woman. When you know Him this way, you will have a conception of something. Something will be deposited inside you.

Beloved, the more you fellowship, the more of God you discover. The beauty about God is that when you are looking at Him on one side, He will show you another side. That is why you can never get tired of seeking and knowing Him. The more you know the different parts of Him, the stronger you become. You cannot know God by one scoop. He is a revelation. As you keep seeking Him, He will continually reveal more of Himself to you. I encourage you to take a quality decision today, to strive to know and serve Him for as long as you live.

Further Reading: Exodus 3:13-15, Hebrews 11:5
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Genesis 49-50/ Evening- Matthew 13:31-58

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