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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Tuesday 4th July 2023

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16 (KJV)

Wisdom is the principal thing, and the Bible enjoins everyone to get wisdom. And guess what? Jesus has been made unto us wisdom. Many times the believer, in an attempt not to hurt people play the fool. Believers allow the devil to run roughshod over their heads and then turn around and blame the devil. God does not expect us to be foolish in our day-to-day dealings. He expects us to walk in wisdom and He has said anyone who lacks wisdom should ask (James 1:6).

In our scripture today, Jesus was very clear: I send you forth as sheep among wolves. So how do you, as a sheep, survive among wolves? The answer is by walking in wisdom. Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do every time. Wisdom is being sensitive to the Spirit of God and being obedient to the still small voice. Wolves will attempt to intimidate and distract you, but like the sheep, refuse to be distracted and focus on the Shepherd.

Learn from David! In the book of 1 Samuel, chapter 30, David was to go to war with the Philistines when he was turned back. He returned to Ziglag only to find out that his wives, children, and properties had all been taken by the Amalekites. Of course, he cried out his eyes. But he did not stop there. He got up, cleaned his eyes, and encouraged himself in the Lord. He reminded himself of the great things God did for him. He became strengthened and thereafter he inquired of the Lord. Shall I pursue these people? And God said pursue! You will surely overtake, and you will surely recover all. That is where the difference is.

Many believers stop at crying and wailing and then live in self-pity. That is not wisdom! It is okay to cry. But after that, dry your eyes and seek the face of God for therein lies your victory.

Further Reading: 1 Samuel 30:1-8; James 1:5-7
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Job 28-29, Evening – Acts 13:1-25

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