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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

01 March, 2021

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:24. KJV

Unless you understand sacrifice as worship, it becomes a struggle. Your entire Christian life becomes a struggle when you do not understand that your sacrifice is worship. Therefore, this truth should be well understood.

Sacrifice is not what you do to get God to do something. Rather, it is your response to the grace and mercy of God. Sacrifice is an offering! It is not just money. It is what you offer for the sake of something considered as a higher or more pressing claim than what you are offering. In sacrifice, you are giving up something because there is another thing you consider as more important than anything else. It can be money. It can be your time, your expertise, fasting, praying or reading the scriptures. The list goes on and on.

The understanding some of us have when it comes to the issue of sacrifice is that we do it to get God to do something for us. That is wrong! You got it backwards! What you did is not the game changer! Jesus Himself is the game changer. The game changer is what God did before you did what you did. It is what God had already done that provoked what you did. When you understand sacrifice from this standpoint, it changes your mindset, your understanding and the entire concept. May the Lord release the spirit of gratitude upon His church.

The Lord will speak for you in high places and your mouth shall testify of His goodness. As you continually look up to Him, your face shall be enlightened and you will never be ashamed. You cannot serve God and the devil will mock you. Every form of mockery is coming to an end in your life.

Further Reading: 1King 3:3-15
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 19; Evening- Mark 6:36-40

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