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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

25 December, 2021

“For him that is joined to the living, there is hope; for a living dog is better than a dead lion”.
Ecclesiastes 9:4 KJV

Compliments of the season! I have every assurance from heaven that this season is going to be a very good one for you. If God has allowed you to be alive to witness this day, there is no way He won’t favour you. There is no accident in God because He is always strategic. I am convinced without any shadow of doubt that as long as you are breathing, you can never remain on the same spot. Whether the devil likes it or not you will make progress. What God has pre-determined for you before the foundation of the world cannot be aborted. The devil is already too late!

You are the only one that can stop yourself; the devil cannot stop you, as long as you don’t allow him. There is nothing like fatal failure for a New Creation. Anyone that is a new creation has no material for failure. Ask yourself! Can Christ fail? The answer is No! Can Christ contend for a contract and lose? No! Can Christ be involved in any kind of business that will go bankrupt? No! If Jesus cannot fail, same applies to you. You cannot fail. That is the kind of mentality you must build into yourself.

A child of God or anyone who wants to amount to anything and attain the height that God has set for him, must be willing to look at contradictory evidences and speak what he is expecting. What are you expecting to see in your life? What are your expectations? It may not look like anything worthwhile is going to happen, there may not be any vision helper around you but that should not change your confession. Before now, things may not have fallen into place, but remember I started by saying that if God allowed you to be alive, He is definitely not through with you yet. As long as you have Christ, there is hope for you. Christ in you is the hope of Glory!

Further Reading: Psalms 92:12, Proverbs 4:18 Colossians 1:24-29
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Zephaniah; Evening- Revelation 16

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