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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Sunday 3rd November 2024

“And Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood, which they had made for the purpose”. Nehemiah 8:4 KJV

As we climax the age, it is imperative for every believer to be mindful of what he or she hears from the pulpit. In today’s text, we are told that Ezra stood upon a pulpit. I discovered that the pulpit, the wooden platform where we stand to preach, also means tower. Ezra stood there to speak, preach and teach the word of God, not man’s opinion, ideas, tradition, or culture. Unfortunately, one of the disasters of the last days’ church is that the pulpit has been reduced to a place of entertainment and a place for magicians and comedians rather than a place where the word will be preached. No wonder there is so much immorality. Moral standards and values of people have fallen because of weak words from the pulpit.

Your strength and protection as a child of God are predicated on how much of the word you receive. The entrance of His word gives light. The word is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, joints and arrows. It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. What word are you receiving? How can you be strong in adversity when you don’t know your rights and privileges based on what Christ has done for you? What we have seen so far is nothing compared to what is coming. But your strength will depend on your strength in the word of God.

People should come to church and receive something to keep them safe in the dangerous society in which we live. The name of the Lord is as strong in your life as much as what comes out of the pulpit. It is crucial where you go to church in these last days and the messages you listen to.

Strong pulpits make a safe people. It is a strong pulpit that keeps you out of the hand of the enemy and keeps you sane.

Further Reading: Psalm 119:89-105 Isaiah 55:10-11
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 30-31; Evening- Philemon

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