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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

19 June, 2021

“For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”
Romans 6:14 KJV

Beloved, one truth you must know and settle in your heart as a child of God is that the moment you received Jesus as Lord and Savior, the law automatically lost power over your life. Now you have a different Master. The duty of the law is to reveal your sins and shortcomings. The law in itself is good and holy but it cannot help you to live for God. The commandment doesn’t make you holy! It shows you your weaknesses and how you can never make it. Romans 7:7 says, “…I would never have known that coveting is wrong if the law had not said, “You must not covet” (NLT). But for the law, you wouldn’t have known sin; you would have just been living your life.

Now, because you could not keep the law, the law said you failed. So, the law which was meant to bring life, brought spiritual death to you instead. This happened so that you can come to the end of yourself and look for a Savior. The law brings you to that point so that you can appreciate Jesus more.

We asked for God’s law and He gave it to us. God’s laws are righteous, but we find out that we can’t keep them. Now, that which is righteous and holy is killing people and condemning them to hell. So how do we come out of it? Romans 7:14 says, “So the trouble is not with the law, for it is spiritual and good. The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin” (NLT).

Beloved, sin is so powerful that it penetrated the presence of God. It will only take God to deliver you from sin. Until you understand that, you will never be free from sin or walk in liberty. Thank God for Jesus! He has delivered us from the law to walk in liberty. Therefore, the law has no control over you because of what Jesus did.

Further Reading: Romans 7:1-25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Nehemiah 12-13; Evening- Acts 4:23-37

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