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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

27 December, 2020

“And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it”. Exodus 25:8-9 (KJV)

Beloved, prayer, fasting, studying of the word and fellowship are all important aspects of the life of a believer. However, one of the things that Christianity or our new life in Christ should do for us, is for our lives to be organized. But you will be surprised that a lot of Christians are not organized. Instead, they rather want to put everything on the Holy Spirit. There is a place for prayer, but everything does not rise and fall on prayer, that is why 1 Cor. 14:40 declares “Let all things be done decently and in order”.

As the year winds up, be determined to introduce order into your life in the New Year. Don’t wait for January, start now. Build a system for yourself. Have a morning routine. Plan your time and your money. Don’t just live anyhow. Order speaks of having a plan and imbibing the culture of excellence. To have order is to be organized in your life and activities. It means being direct, keeping of ranks, doing things according to prescription, doing things according to pattern, doing things the way you have been instructed and the way you have been ordered to do it.

In our text, God was telling Moses when they came out of Egypt about building a tabernacle. One word that kept on coming was pattern. Our God is a God of order. Everything he does is with precision. He expects all His children to live a life of order. Think of the precision and the order with which He created the heaven and earth we are seeing. The sun in its place. The moon, the stars, the cloud, the rain, the snow, the mountains, the valley, the river, desert and streams; everything has its place. The air we breathe, the clouds, the trees and the mountains, everything put in place and in order, giving beauty to the world. Order will make your life beautiful. Compliments of the season.

Further Reading: Exodus 25: 1-8, 40; Genesis 1:1-25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Zechariah 1-4; Evening- Revelation 18

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