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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

“And David said, what have I now done? Is there not a cause?” 1 Samuel 17:29

In 1 Samuel 17:28-29, David’s brother tried to discourage him. He asked him, what have you come to do? You naughty boy! You have never fought a battle before. You are a novice! So why are you here? You better go and take care of the sheep and stay there. David said, “What have I done; is there not a cause?”

Think about it. David had never been involved in warfare. That is the reason his brother said, “what have you come to do?” But notice that Saul and his army were covenant people. In other words, God was on their side. They were dangerously armed. The resources of heaven were available to them, yet they could not fight.

So, for forty days, Goliath was a national threat. For forty days, they couldn’t lift their heads. For forty days and forty nights, they were hidden in the trench with all the resources available to them. Goliath’s voice was the first voice they heard when they woke up and the last voice they heard at night. Whoever controls your mind controls your life. While meditating on the story, I asked, “God but these are your people, why didn’t you do something to ensure that they were delivered and that Goliath would not destroy them?” And the Holy Spirit said to me: “The most God can do for you as a believer, is to give you all the resources” That is the most! It is now your duty to take responsibility. You have a responsibility to fight for your destiny because God has put all the resources in you.

Do you know that there’s a cause for you to fight? The cause is bigger than any sacrifice you make. It is the cause that will make you daring, visionary and dynamic. It is the cause that will make you as a lady not to sleep with men. It is the cause that will make a young man say, girlfriend wait. It’s the cause that will make you know that you are a solution provider. Take responsibility for your destiny and fight for the cause.

Further reading: 1 Samuel 17:28-37
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Deuteronomy 22-24; Evening- Mark 14:1-26
#WFTD #Wisdomfortheday

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