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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

21 April, 2021

“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee… And he arose, and came to his father….”
Luke 15:18, 20 KJV

Today, I want to challenge you to take that step of faith. Take action on the decisions you have made regarding your life, your career, your business and your family. Yes, you have written down your goals and zeroed in on the areas you want to change and improve upon. But are you taking action? Remember that at the end of the day, your action is what really counts.

I want to point out something very significant from this story: The prodigal son decided that he was going back to his father to plead with him and he took action. It’s not enough to make plans and set goals; without taking the required action, nothing happens. God’s promises will not just fall on you like a bag of cherries. There is always a part for God and a part for you. And you cannot pray your own responsibility away.

For instance, if you have set a goal to read your Bible more, then you must set aside a time for it. You must put away all distractions, bring out your Bible, note pad and other materials you may need and actually study. You must also stay committed to it. No matter how much you pray about becoming more studious about the Word of God, you still have to bring out your Bible, do the studying yourself and then trust the Holy Spirit to help you.

This same principle applies to all areas of life. A person who wants to improve his health and fitness must do his research, make the necessary changes to his diet and start exercising. James 2:14 states “Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it?” (MSG). Starting today, decide to take action. Take a step of faith concerning that which you have outlined to do.

Further Reading: Luke 17:11-32
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Samuel 12-13; Evening- Luke 16

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