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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Friday 10th January 2025

“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4 KJV)

As a believer, you have adequate provision to stun your world. Oftentimes, we are tempted to give excuses for our inability to conquer the world system or display the same level of wisdom as Jesus did. Let us consider the scripture in John 17:18 (KJV) which says “As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” In other words, you were sent with the same mandate like Jesus. In verse 22, He said you were sent with the same glory. This means that you have no excuse not to stun your world. The business world, career world, ministry world, political world, should be stunned by your display of unusual wisdom and excellence and should have no other choice, but to come to you.

However, you cannot display this wisdom if you are not grounded in the Word. The measure of the knowledge of what the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ has made available to you will determine how far you will go. Therefore, ensure that you are loaded with the Word because that is what gives you the advantage.

Beloved, how far would you be willing to go and at what level are you willing to play this year? Are you positioning yourself to make impact or is it going to be business as usual? Remember that the world system is not designed to favour you and so you must be ready to operate at a more superior level if you must catch up. The advantage you have is the God factor and you must leverage that.

In the book of Genesis 41, we are told that Joseph by divine wisdom interpreted Pharaoh’s dream and also gave him a 14-year Economic Development plan. By that singular act, Joseph dazed his world and was catapulted into the corridors of power. I declare divine wisdom upon your life. The Lord will give you the answer and you will stun your world.

Further Reading: Genesis 41:1-57, John 17:18-26
Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Genesis 25-26; Evening: Matthew 8:1-17

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