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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Thursday 1st August 2024

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.’’ John 15:5 (KJV)

For you to remain relevant and fruitful in these days and times we live in, you must stay connected to God and His word. God never starts anything without His word. Whenever God wants to do anything on the Earth, He sends His word ahead of time, and that settles it. The Psalmist says in Ps 119:89 ‘’Forever, O lord, thy word is settled in heaven.’’ Always focus on the word He has given you for the year. Bury your head in it and expect the best.

Another important decision you must take is to always sit at the feet of the Master. As we climax the age, evil will increase and so you cannot afford to forsake His presence. The devil, like a roaring lion, is still in the business of looking for those whom he may devour. So don’t toy with your Christian experience. You need to know the well you are drinking from. Joseph was a fruitful bough because he stayed by the well (Genesis 49:22). He always had advanced information and was able to withstand all the arrows shot at him. They shot arrows of jealousy, blackmail, and injustice against him, yet he was unstoppable. The man was remembered at a critical time and season. And because he was connected to God and His word, he could preserve generations after him.

I encourage you to stay connected. Stay on fire and take advantage of your position in Christ. When the enemy comes around next, remind him that you are a joint heir with Christ. Let him know that the Greater One lives in you, and he will flee from you. I am standing in faith with you that this year, God will spring surprises in your life. You will eat the good of the land, and your barns shall burst forth with plenty. You will break loose from everything that had hitherto hindered you.

Further Reading: Genesis 49: 22-26; John 15:1-8,
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 57-59; Evening- Romans 4

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