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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

22 December, 2020

”And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 (KJV)

The truth about God’s word is that you were healed ever before you became sick. 1 Peter 2:24 says, “…by whose stripes you where healed”. In other words, you are the healed the devil is trying to make sick. So, when next the devil tells you that you will die of this sickness or that disease, stand and declare the Word of God that you were already healed by His stripes. For some of you, it may be your business, marriage, academics or finances that the devil is threatening with sickness. Rise up and declare the Word

Beloved, understand that the principle remains the same. God’s word is errorless and infallible. So, believe the truth of the Word of God that says you were healed, and that settles it. Don’t you ever keep your mouth shut but keep speaking the Word of God over that situation. And pretty soon, you will see the manifestation because God is watching over His word to perform it.

Child of God, if there is anything the devil does not want you to know about, it is the truth about God’s Word. If he can keep the truth from you, then he can short change you. The scriptures say in Hosea 4:6 ”My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge…..” One thing the devil does not want you to have is knowledge. And that is why he will try to stop you from studying the word or attending church. But you must not allow him.

Take a quality decision not to be ignorant of what God is saying about you. And don’t fall for the trick of the devil that it doesn’t matter when you miss church services. It does matter because the plan of the devil is to isolate you from where you can receive knowledge. Don’t run to the wrong places during the week, and then run to church only on Sunday. No! Stand firm on the Word of God! The Word will produce for you. Every other ground is sinking sand.

Further Reading: Psalm 122:1; Romans 10:17
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Micah 6-7; Evening- Revelation 13

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