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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

09 July, 2021

‘’But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him.’’ Luke 10:33 KJV

If God opens your page, you will not be able to stand. Therefore, you must stop turning up your nose at people and saying things like: ‘’Why should she marry? Do you know how many abortions she has done? Why should she have a baby? Nonsense! Let her come and have it let me see.’’

Beloved, this is not the way to behave. It is because you don’t know grace. I know of many prostitutes who have committed several abortions, but they are dropping babies like tomatoes. Can you explain that? Certainly not! Christianity and Grace must be in motion. Grace does not say you merit it, but it reaches out to you even when you don’t. According to the Bible, a Samaritan came along, saw the wounded man, and had compassion on him. Why? He recognized that God had shown him compassion.

The Samaritan went to the wounded man and took care of him. How many people have you gone to? How many believers have you followed up to know who they are and what they are going through? Or do you think that because everyone is dressed up nicely, they’re not going through issues? The Samaritan went to the wounded man and ministered to him. “And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him” (Luke 10:34 KJV). The man could not do anything for himself. The Samaritan never knew him from Adam! Yet, he took care of him. That was grace in motion.

Some of us are so arrogant and braggadocios that I wonder the type of Christian that you say you practice- the kind of Christianity that cannot touch others or the kind that cannot identify with others’ pain and difficulties. That isn’t the Christianity that Christ gave to us.

Further Reading. Acts 3:1-26
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 38-40; Evening- Acts 16:1-21

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