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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Monday 21st March 2022

“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”
Acts 16:31 (KJV)

When you got saved, God intends that your entire family members will be saved. He does not intend that any man should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). That is God’s plan. He did not make hell for anyone; it was for the devil and his cohorts.

However, the salvation of every other member of your family is not automatic just because you are saved. Your salvation has opened the door for God to come into your family to give others the opportunity to get saved, but, they still have to individually make their own decision concerning Christ. Sometimes their salvation can come through you: letting your light shine before them or it could come through others who may witness to them. You must not write off the possibility of anyone getting saved no matter how far gone he is, as long as he is still breathing.

Did you know that some people get saved last minute of their lives? They called upon the name of the Lord in their dying moment. (Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13) and as long as they called on Him before they passed on, they are saved and heaven-bound. God’s greatest desire is for the salvation of everyone. He died for the sin of the whole world, not a selected few.

So, what is our role? It is to keep interceding and believing God for their salvation and also live an exemplary life before them. That is why Jesus said that we are the light of the world, not of the church and you should start shining from your Jerusalem. Do not try to win the world if your life is not preaching the word. Do all you can do, then leave the rest to Him because He knows how to get them saved.

Pray for them, be the light, love them and trust God to win them over into His kingdom.

Further Reading: Acts 16:25-32
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Joshua 4-6; Evening- Luke 1:1-20

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