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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

14 October, 2021

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 KJV

God created the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom and the mineral kingdom. He put everything in place. He made man in His image and likeness and gave him dominion over what He had created. Up to this point, man had nothing to do. There was nothing man contributed in the creation process; it was all God. God blessed them and said: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” (Genesis 1:28 KJV).

Adam never did anything. He was not qualified! He never worked for it! He was just there to receive. That’s the position the devil doesn’t want you to stay in. Rather, he wants you to always be agitated and struggle to get. So, when the devil came to deceive man, he was saying in essence, it can’t be true. After all, you didn’t contribute anything to it. For it to be authentic, you need to contribute something. Thus, man was deceived! He reached out and started to put his hands in what God had completed but all that was required was for him to receive from the finished work.

Man fell and when God came to fellowship with him as usual, he went into hiding. The devil got man into a position where one believes that for you to receive anything, you must be qualified. From then on, the doing mechanism was wired into the fallen man. They quickly searched for leaves and covered themselves up. But originally, they were covered by the glory of God.

But despite all their doing, they could not be covered. It took God to reach out to cover them with the skin of an animal. In other words, there is nothing you can do by yourself. If God does not cover you, you can’t be covered. Make a decision today to rest in the cover of the Lord. Covenant shall speak for you.

Further Reading: Gen 1:20-31, 3:1-21
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Isaiah 43-44; Evening- 1 Thessalonians 2

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