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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Friday 13 September 2019

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:”
Ephesians 2:8 KJV

According to our Bible text today, it is by grace that you are saved by faith, or through the avenue of faith. As wonderful as it is, grace on its own is not going to help you. Grace and faith are two sides of the coin. They are like sodium and chloride. Sodium or chloride alone on its own is poisonous. If you take only sodium, you are going to be poisoned and you will die. If you take chloride alone, it is also poisonous, and it will lead to death. But when you mix the two of them, it becomes salt which you put in food. So, there must be a connection for it to work.

In the same manner, most of us are not allowing grace to do its perfect work in our lives. We are not connecting to what grace has supplied. We sit down and think that God will do everything for us when He has already done everything that He needs to do. You just have to connect before you can partake of it. And you need faith to partake in what grace has provided.

It’s like me inviting you for dinner. You are hungry and then the sumptuous meal is prepared, everything is there; your name is on the table; the fork, the knife and the napkin are there. And then you sit down and do nothing, and you are hungry. That is how many people sit down hungry and leave without eating. It is your response to the challenges of life that determines what you receive. If you respond the usual way everybody responds, don’t expect anything. As a believer, you must respond with faith.

Further reading: Ephesians 2:1-10, Romans 1:16-17
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Proverbs 16-18; Evening- 2 Corinthians 6

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