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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

05 August, 2021

“Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe.” Philippians 3:1 KJV

God’s plan for every believer is that they will live a very successful life. But many die unsuccessful and unfulfilled because of some missing link in their lives. I encourage you to rejoice in the Lord, not in your achievements, credentials, or your accomplishments. Your joy should be in the Lord, not in your money or your house. It’s important that we hold on to this truth because at times we think because we have some things, we feel accomplished. But over time, those things which we hold on to are no more necessary.

Sometimes we hold on to some things over time that we get so used to them but unknown to us, they are slipping away. There are things that really got us to where we are; things that gave us victory and deliverance in the past and things that made us stand tall even in the midst of adversity which may suddenly begin to slip away from us. If you can’t find those things again, you may think that life is also slipping away. That is why we must keep reminding ourselves to rejoice in the Lord.

Rejoicing in the Lord is so important that Apostle Paul had to repeat the instruction. And he said to write the same thing is not grievous. It is a safety net for you to hear it over and over again because rejoicing in the Lord is a source of strength. What this tells you is that there is no time to stop hearing what God is saying because we live in a world full of so many distractions; everything is trying to catch your attention. Whether you walk on the street, travel by bus or airplane, there are things competing for your attention. Someone is either trying to pull you down or pull you up; there is no middle ground. That is why it is so important for you to know whom you are listening to.

Further Reading: Philippians 4:4-9. Psalm 37:1-7
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 68-69; Evening- Romans 8:1-21

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