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07 April, 2021

“For she said to herself, if only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well”. Matthew 9:21 KJV

The above text tells the story of the woman with the issue of blood. Despite her condition and the limitations that the law put against her, she saw grace and decided to take her healing. According to the law, she was not supposed to be found amongst people because the law regarded her as unclean and unworthy. But when Grace appeared, her faith was awakened. That was why she said to herself: “If I may but touch his clothes, I shall be whole” (Mark 5:28). She saw Grace manifested and believed that all she had to do was contact Grace and she would be made whole.

Beloved, everything you need to prosper is already available to you, but you must lay hold on it by faith for it to manifest. Within your sphere of influence, wherever you are, declare that your work will grow from glory to glory, regardless of what the enemy is trying to show you because: “…the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more, unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18 KJV). Then you shall receive by faith, the prosperity that is already assured you in Christ. Your business has no choice but to respond to the Word. As a student, failure is not an option. So, having studied and prepared, approach that examination believing that God has already made you the head and not the tail. You will succeed because Grace has made it available.

Refuse every lie of the enemy. Remember that the devil is your adversary and not your adviser. When he tries to tell you that you’re not qualified to partake of the riches of Grace, remind him that it is God that justifies the ungodly, therefore you are qualified (Romans 4:5). Christ has paid for it all! Your part is to take it! I know this is the part a lot of people struggle with. But if you have a good understanding of this, you will put the enemy on the run.

Further Reading: Matthew 9:18-26
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Samuel 7-9; Evening- Luke 9:18-36

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