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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Sunday 12th February 2023

“And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word.” Luke 10:39 (KJV)

I said at the beginning of this series that God speaks all 5 love languages. The truth is every good thing we teach even in management schools finds its root in the Bible and the 5 love languages are no exception.

Our scripture today is the story of 2 sisters, who were both speaking different love languages: Martha was speaking the language called “Acts of Service” which was how she knew to express her love for the Master. Jesus was in the house and her way of appreciation was to ensure His maximum comfort. Martha on the other hand felt her best way was to sit down and give Him undivided attention.

The challenge is not the language either of them was speaking, the challenge was the murmuring Martha. If Martha had not complained, Jesus would not have said a word because Jesus knew she was busy out of love and respect for Him. What does this tell us? Every language is valid. None is better than the other. Your duty as a spouse is to identify the love languages of your spouse and learn to speak them, that is what it means to adapt one to another. In Genesis we see God saying it is not good for man to be alone. He knew there were animals all around, but he also realized that Adam could not relate and share ideas and experiences with animals and God had to bring the woman out of the man.

Read Genesis 2:18 and you will notice that the woman is a help meet for the man. She was not “help meet for all men”. What does that tell us: God expects the man and the woman to complement each other. You are there to make your spouse better, don’t run him or her down. Don’t be the one to broadcast his or her weakness to the world. Be a companion indeed and make your home the haven that God intended it to be

Further Reading: Luke 10: 38-42; Genesis 2: 18-25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 13; Evening- Matthew 26:26-50

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