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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

07 November, 2021

“I wonder how I can be of help. Tell me, what do you have in your house?” “Nothing”, she said. “Well, I do have a little oil.” 2 Kings 4:2 (MSG)

Today, I want to let you know that the thing God has placed in your hand is not little; don’t trivialize it. The widow described her oil as little. She didn’t think it was anything significant. She didn’t know that, that was where her deliverance and her miracle was.
Beloved, what is that thing that you are trivializing? With God, nothing is too small to produce a miracle. He is the same God who multiplied five loaves and two fishes to feed five thousand men, excluding the women and children; yet, there were still twelve baskets leftover. There is nothing too little or insignificant for God to use to perform a miracle.

The widow at Zarephath in 1 Kings Chapter 17 had only a handful of flour and a little oil. She planned to eat that as her final meal with her son and die. But then, God had other plans. She put that little in God’s hands and God used that little to sustain her and her son for many days. Child of God, put that little in His hands, He will multiply it.

I declare supernatural increase in your life. The days of emptiness are over in your life. You will no longer carry cups in your hands begging. Everything that the caterpillar, the cankerworm, the palmerworm and the locust had hitherto stolen from you shall be restored. In spite of the seemingly hopeless situation, God’s glory shall be seen in your life and you will shock your detractors. It does not matter where you are right now, or what it is that you have gone through; just relax because the grace of God is ready to lift you up and position you for greatness. You will eat the good of the land. Your barns shall burst forth with plenty. Grace will be made manifest in all areas of your life.

Further Reading: 1 Kings 17:8-15, 2 Kings 4:1-7
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 40-42; Evening- Hebrews 4

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