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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Monday 6th January 2025

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33 KJV)

Today I want to encourage you to let God be first in everything you do. If you don’t plan on how to improve your relationship with God, you will discover that even the business plans and other plans will fall flat on the ground, because anything not built on God cannot stand. According to the book of Matthew 7:24-25, the house which was built on the rock was able to withstand the storm because its foundation was on the rock.

The only constant in life is God. He is God all by Himself. He does not need your endorsement to be God. He is the Monarch of the Universe and His Word is law. So, stop beating about the bush. Have a study plan for the year. Have a spiritual growth plan. Plan out prayer times. Service your prayer altar. Put God first in everything that you do, and your life will never remain the same again.

If you look at our text in the Amplified version you will have a clearer understanding of that passage. It says: “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, and strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right – the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” Did you see that? Seek God’s way of doing things. Strive after it. Aim at it. Let it be all that consumes you. When you do, all other things – house, car, money, children, and everything that you need will be given to you.

So put God first. Make morning devotion a priority. Have an effective family altar. Study the word of God and act on the word. I guarantee you that you will experience God in a new way. You may have grown spiritually and you pray for three hours without a break that does not mean you have reached the peak of your Christian growth. You can set a new mark and stretch yourself a bit further.

Further Reading: Matthew 6:25-34; 7:21-27
Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Genesis 15-17; Evening: Matthew 5:27-48

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