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Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Monday 10th January 2022

“So, what does all this mean? If God has determined to stand with us, tell me, who then could ever stand against us?” Romans 8:31 (TPT)

How would you like to know that you are in the will of God and yet it seems as if God has gone on vacation. If that is your situation, I want to encourage you today. Don’t quit! Keep standing! No matter what you are faced with, the God that you and I serve will always vindicate you. His Word shall become flesh in every area of your life. The devil is a defeated foe. He doesn’t have the final say.

May be no one is willing to even give you a chance. And presently, you are so devastated because you are not getting result as expected. Hang in there! God will come through for you! Right now, you may be facing situations that are contrary to your expectations. I call it seasons of contradiction. You are believing one thing and you are seeing another. You are standing in faith and you are praying, but you are facing contradiction. It appears as if God will not answer. But I want to assure you that you will not be put to shame or ridiculed.

There may be many contradictions in your life right now. But I announce to you that when it is all said and done, you will have a testimony. I want you to know child of God that there is nothing like hopelessness for the believer. In spite of the pressure, we are not prisoners of hopelessness. We have hope! That is the destiny of the believer! That is our heritage!

Christ in you is the hope of glory. The word hope means, a joyful confident expectation that things will turn out well. No matter what is happening around you, you are standing on grace ground. That is an assurance. So we are not hopeless! We are a people of hope! We have a confident expectation that it will turn around at the end of the day for our glory. God will get glory out of it. Nothing works against the believer! There is a bounce back mechanism for a child of God. There is nothing like fatal failure for any child of God.

Further Reading: Romans 8: 26-33
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Genesis 25-26, Evening – Matthew 8:1-17

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