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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Friday 15th November 2024

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37 (KJV)

I know a woman who delivered at the age of 59. This woman was attending a Bible-believing church and got married to a Pastor, yet no babies. She had three miscarriages and stillbirths. She did not have problems with her husband’s family; her problem was with her own family. They tried to take her to an herbalist. But she told them categorically that it was against her Christian faith. They tried many ways to convince her, but she insisted she was not going anywhere. After many years of repeated failure, they went back to tell her that her God had failed. They reminded her that if her husband gets to 100 years old, he can still marry and have a baby, but for her, the woman, there is a time after which she can’t have a baby again. The woman stood her ground as a Christian and said: “If God does not do it, let it be.” You must reach a point where you know it is God or nothing else. Nothing is impossible with Him.

Along the line, her husband’s brother, who lives outside the country and believed their challenge was stress-induced, invited the woman and her husband over for a period. So, for four months, they just relaxed and had fun, yet nothing happened. They went to the best doctors around, but nothing happened. Instead, they were told that her tube had been damaged because of some medication that was given to her.

Eventually, one of her tubes was removed. By this time, she could no longer produce eggs. So, they returned to their country and started looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. At the age of 52, without one tube and ovulating, she had her first baby. After that, a baby girl. And as they kept on thanking God, a third child came when she was 59 years old. God turned her mess into a message. He will do the same for you if you believe.

Further Reading: Genesis 21:1-7; Psalms 113:1-1-9.
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Ezekiel 1-2; Evening- Hebrews 11:1-19

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