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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo
Thursday 3rd March 2022

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid”. Matthew 5:14 (KJV)

No living TREMite is permitted to get lost in the crowd. Our assignment is to Discover, Develop and Deploy.

Every time you come to service, read the devotional, gather in your small group meetings, you are being developed. God is sharpening you and shaping you for a purpose but it will all be a waste if you will do nothing with it.

Jesus in our scripture for today made it clear that you are the LIGHT of the world. You are not the light of the church, you come to the church to be sharpened and ignited, but the place to burn and make the difference is in the world. My question to you is: what impact are you making? Making an impact does not start from the big things; it starts just where you are. Don’t wait to be the CEO to deploy your excellent work ethics, deploy it right where you are that your works will show that you are different.

My body itches when I see believers in the marketplace with their light under the bushel. They mingle with the world and are no different from the world. They bow to situational ethics and compromise their stand just to follow the Joneses. Beloved, you are not called to melt into the world but to be the light of the world. Yes, you are in the world, but you are not of the world, rather you are the light the world is looking for. Look at Daniel in the strange land, he and his three friends refused to bow. They stood their ground and time and time again we see God bringing them to a place of honour. This month take time to study the book of Daniel and learn from it.

I challenge you today to purpose in your heart to be different. Yes, the world may laugh and jeer at you, but keep at it and sooner than later, the same people that laughed at you will come to seek your favour because promotion is coming your way.

Further Reading: John 5:13-16
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 23-25; Evening- Mark 7:14-37

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