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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 21st January 2023

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
Yesterday, we learned that we are God’s priority and like I said yesterday if you truly understand it, your immediate reaction will be to make Him your priority too.

What does it mean to make God your priority? The scripture for today makes it clear. It is all about seeking Him first. In all you do, your primary concern is to be pleasing to Him. When you have this understanding, you will not struggle to give because you know that there is nothing you have that you have not received. When you make Him your priority, soul winning will not be a challenge because you will be eager to tell your world about Him. When you make Him your priority, tithing will be a thing of joy and you will go beyond the tenth (10%) to greater degrees because you know Him. The bigger God is to you, the smaller challenges become. That is why we say in this Ministry that we do not look (focus) on the bigness or magnitude of the problem but on the bigness (the greatness) of our God.

Proverbs 3:9-10 declares: “Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barn be filled…” (KJV). When you read those two verses, as good as they are, they don ’t give you the full meaning because you will have to back up a little bit. What is it that will make you honour God with your substance? The human being is programmed to only grab and when you finish grabbing, put it in a box, cover it up and sit on the box. This attitude is a fallout of the fall of man. The fallen man is primarily a “hoarder” who finds it difficult to let go. Which is the exact opposite of God. God always gives. He expresses His love to us not just by words, but by His act of giving.

When you make God your priority, giving becomes a lifestyle.

Make Him your priority in all things.

Further: Proverbs 3:5-10
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Exodus 1-3, Evening – Matthew 14:1-21

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