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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

15 May, 2021

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endure the forever.”
Psalms 118:29 KJV

I want to encourage you to always maintain a posture of gratitude. This is a decision you must make as an individual because sometimes, in the natural, it seems as if there is nothing to be grateful for. However, a life of gratitude isn’t based on the circumstances around you but on the goodness of this God. This is why David says in Psalms 103:1 “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name” (KJV). In this scripture, David basically commanded his soul and everything within him to bless the Lord because he understood that this God is worthy of all praise.

The goodness of God is not dependent on external circumstances but on the truth that God is good and does only good. You know in this world, it is so easy to become overwhelmed with challenges but I want to encourage you to meditate on God’s goodness. Remember how God came through for you in spite of the odds that were stacked against you. Remember the miracles, the healing, the provisions, and the deliverance.

Child of God, when you get to that point where you understand that your thankfulness to God isn’t simply based on the miracles you have received, but based on who He is, then know that you are living a life of gratitude. The devil has no response to an individual who lives a life of gratitude because that individual’s eyes are no longer on self, but on Jesus. Of course, there is no way our eyes can be on Jesus that blessings won’t flow into our lives. So, go ahead and give God worthy praise because of who He is. Yes, it’s okay to also sit back and count your blessings and thank Him for those too. But I want you to bless His name because He is a good Father who is too faithful to fail. Just take time to always bask in His awesomeness and in the splendor of His beauty.

Further Reading: Psalm 103:1-22
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Kings 22-23; Evening- John 4:31-54

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