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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

23 March, 2021

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1 KJV

In Christ, whatever you are doing is to your benefit. It is for you to effectively lay hold on what He has given to you. So, fasting should not be a struggle. Praising God, giving to God and using your talents to serve Him should not be a struggle. In the context of the foregoing, sacrifice is not what you do to move the Hand of God. Rather, it is what you do because He has already moved in your life. The level of your sacrifice shows how much of God’s grace and goodness you appreciate in your life. When you function from this understanding, sacrifice becomes a joyful response to God’s goodness in your life.

Just take a look at the goodness of God all over the nations! He makes the rain to fall to both the good and the bad. Of course, you know that if some of us were to be God, we would shut the heaven and let it rain only on some people. But God gave the rain and sun for everyone because He doesn’t want you to lack.

Even as you make your life a living sacrifice, it is important for you to know that your sacrifice is not the game changer. The game changer is Jesus. Make sacrifices because you’re willing, do not be compelled to. You sacrifice because that is the least you can do. You want to live for Him because He has done so much for you…and you cannot tell it all!

And so, your life becomes a living sacrifice. You see, you struggle to live for God because you have not seen what He did for you. No one is going to police you to live for God. All that needs to happen is for you to see the light. When you truly see His goodness on your behalf, you will go bananas for Him.

Further Reading: Luke 14:25-35
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Joshua 10-12; Evening- Luke 1:39-56

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