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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

06 September, 2021

“David retorted to Michal, I was dancing before the LORD, who chose me above your father and all his family! He appointed me as leader of Israel, the people of the LORD, so I celebrate before the LORD.” 2 Samuel 6:21 NLT

David was celebrating when he was bringing back the ark of covenant. As he was coming back home, Michal his wife condemned him for dancing in the manner he was doing. Similarly, some people will criticize their spouses for their zeal, saying that church is not everything. Such people ask: “Must you give all these money to church? Must you be involved in every activity? Let us just stay on the periphery.”

When David got home, his wife mocked him. David said to her, “you don’t know like I know.” David reminded her of how God rejected her father, Saul, and decided to choose him. David said: “Everyone forgot me, even my parents. No one remembered me at the backside of the desert but God did and decided to pick me. Don’t tell me not to be passionate about God because I know where He brought me from. I know how he saved me. So why should the fire die? I know what I used to be. I know when I had nothing. I have not yet started dancing. The reason you are saying what you are saying is because you don’t know like I know.” Let no one kill your passion for God because they don’t know like you know. David’s zeal and enthusiasm is worthy of emulation.

Beloved, God knows how to select you. Even when no one wants to pick you, He knows how to pick you. That is why your eyes should be on Him. “They looked on to him, their faces were enlightened and they were not ashamed.” Put your eyes on God, not on man; man will fail you. David was minding his business, worshipping God alone, even when everyone rejected him. Yet, God said “that is the one I want.” I declare to you that you will continue to be God’s choice.

Further Reading: Psalms 27:1-14, 2 Timothy 4:16-18
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 148-150; Evening- 1 Corinthians 15:29-58

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