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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Tuesday 26th April 2022

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what the hope of his calling is, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,” Ephesians 1:18 (KJV)

All through his epistles, Paul’s prayer for the believer was for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. When you know what belongs to you, then there would be no need to struggle or beg. You can rise in full authority and possess your possessions. This is what our Church Services are all about. To equip you with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, so that you can rise and be all that God has ordained for you to be.

These are not the days to walk about ignorantly, because the enemy is on the loose seeking whom He will devour. Therefore, you must be armed and ready to shut him up. Hosea 4:6 tells us that God’s people are destroyed not because the devil is more powerful or that everything has not been provided for their victory. God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because they don’t know their rights and privileges. Therefore, the knowledge of the Word of God is so vitally important if we must live victorious Christian lives.

I want to encourage you to get the messages of different church services because you didn’t hear them all the first time. Listen to them repeatedly so that you can receive knowledge and revelation that will enable you to live victoriously. Don’t allow the devil to run a rampage with your mind. Shut him up! You must also understand that shutting up the devil is not a one-time event but a lifestyle. Whenever he shows up with his lies, shut him up. That is why you must be fully armed with the Word of God to be able to withstand the devil. I declare unto you that you will rise above every situation and every challenge that is confronting you. Your year shall be crowned with goodness and your path will drop fatness.

Further Reading: Ephesians 1: 15- 23, 2 Peter 1:3
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Samuel 23-24; Evening- Luke 19:1-27

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