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Dr. Mike Okonkwo
27th November 2017

To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. (Ephesians 1:6 KJV)

Child of God, stand firm in the love of God. Feed yourself with the nourishment of God’s love knowing that you have been accepted in the beloved. God has accepted you. In Christ you are the beloved of God. In Christ you have been set free from the demands of the law. In Christ, the law has been rolled away. Why? Because as long as the law remains in the way, you cannot enjoy all that God has made available to you in Christ.

It is written: “But to him that worketh not, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” (Romans 4:5 KJV) God justifies the ungodly. So if you are ungodly, you are qualified through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Therefore, you cannot be denied. I declare to you that sickness and disease dies today in your body. It is already done you cannot be stopped. You cannot be denied by the virtue of the finished work of Christ. Receive your healing for your body because the price has been fully paid. It is done! It is not up to you, but up to Him.

Christ has finished the work. God has perfected it, therefore you are entitled to your request. It is your birth-right. Don’t struggle to take it. Just receive it by faith. Just like a child will go to the father, ask and receive knowing the father has it. The child does not struggle to receive from his father. That is the way it is in the kingdom. You receive it by faith in expectation that it is done. Don’t let the devil lie to you about your healing, because it is already done. God has perfected EVERYTHING that concerns you. Don’t fall for the smokescreen of the devil. I have said it over and over again, and I will keep saying it unto you come to terms with it: THE PRICE HAS BEEN PAID IN FULL. So, I declare that the struggle is over in your life. All that God has made available for you will gravitate to you.

Further Reading: John 10:10-15, Mark 11:22-24, 1John 3:1-2
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Ezekiel 30-32, Evening – 1 Peter 4

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